I started my career when PCs were still very new and hadn't really become that well established. I was developing software on all sorts of systems - a terminal connected to a mainframe, various in-circuit emulators for custom microprocessor boards, and even a Sinclair Spectrum on one project. Then I spent many years developing on PCs, back when having multiple monitors wasn't really an option.
I managed ok, for sure. Like everyone did back then.
At some point I started a new job where dual monitors were the standard setup, and I must admit at first I didn't really make much use of the second monitor.
But I soon got used to it. These days I have two 24in monitors and I wouldn't be without them. I wouldn't particularly want more than two though. But there is almost always something I am working on and something I am referring to. And quite often I will have a couple of files open side by side in the code editor, and maybe a couple of documents or web pages open on the other monitor.
Each to their own, really.